Washington and Korean Politics

Y3 = YS made in Washington

This page is maintained by Dr. Y.S.Kim, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, University of Maryland.His home page is http://ysfine.com/home.

Right after his high school graduation in 1954, he came to the United State as a freshman at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now called Carnegie Mellon University) in Pittsburgh. He then went to Princeton in 1958 for graduate study. After receiving his PhD degree in physics in 1961, Dr. Kim spent an additional one year there as a post-doc. He came to the Washington area to join the faculty of the University of Maryland.

For his background, you may be interested in the following webpages.

  1. Korean background. He came to the United States after high school graduation.

  2. Pittsburgh. He was a student at the Carnegie Institute of Technology from 1954 to 1958.

  3. Princeton page. He received his PhD degree from Princeton University in 1961 and stayed there for one additional years.

  4. Washington, DC. In 1962, he joined the faculty of the University of Maryland (in the Washington area) as an assistant professor. He is now a professor emeritus at the same university.